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White Screen of Death – Bug Reports Mainspring Community

The white screen of death (WSOD) is a frustrating and often perplexing issue that website owners, developers, and even everyday users may encounter. This issue typically presents itself as a blank white screen, with no error message or clues as to what might be causing the problem. Unlike traditional error messages, the white screen gives little to no information, making it challenging to diagnose and resolve. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various causes of the white screen issue, how to diagnose it effectively, and most importantly, how to resolve it. Our aim is to provide a detailed, step-by-step process that helps you fix this problem and prevent it from recurring in the future.

What Causes the White Screen Issue?

The white screen issue can stem from a variety of underlying problems. Some of the most common causes include:

1. PHP Errors and Configuration Issues

One of the most common causes of the white screen issue is a PHP error. PHP is the scripting language used by most websites, especially those built on platforms like WordPress. If there is a syntax error in the PHP code, or if a function is called incorrectly, it can result in a white screen. Additionally, configuration issues such as memory limits or execution timeouts can also trigger this problem.

2. Plugin or Theme Conflicts

Conflicts between plugins or themes can also lead to a white screen. If you have recently installed or updated a plugin or theme, and then noticed the white screen, it’s likely that there is a conflict. This can occur when a plugin or theme is not compatible with the version of your CMS, or if two plugins are trying to perform conflicting actions.

3. Exhausted Memory Limits

Every website has a memory limit set by the server. If your website exceeds this limit, it can cause the white screen issue. This is particularly common on websites with a lot of content, images, or plugins. When the server cannot allocate enough memory to execute a script, it simply stops working, resulting in a white screen.

4. Database Issues

Sometimes, the white screen issue can be caused by database connection errors. If your website cannot connect to the database, it may display a white screen. This can be due to incorrect database credentials, corrupted database tables, or issues with the database server.

5. Issues with File Permissions

Incorrect file permissions can also cause a white screen issue. If the server cannot read or execute a file because of incorrect permissions, it may result in a blank screen. This is often the case when files are uploaded via FTP without setting the correct permissions.

How to Diagnose the White Screen Issue

Diagnosing the white screen issue can be tricky, but with a systematic approach, you can identify the root cause. Here’s how you can diagnose this issue:

1. Enable Error Reporting

The first step in diagnosing the white screen issue is to enable error reporting. By default, most servers suppress error messages, which is why you see a blank white screen. Enabling error reporting will display any errors that are causing the problem.

For WordPress, you can enable error reporting by adding the following line to your wp-config.php file:

define('WP_DEBUG', true);

This will display all errors, warnings, and notices on your website, helping you identify the issue.

2. Check Your Plugins and Themes

If you suspect that a plugin or theme is causing the issue, try disabling all plugins and switching to a default theme. If the white screen disappears, you can re-enable each plugin one by one to identify the culprit. For themes, switch back to your original theme after testing with a default one.

3. Increase Memory Limits

If the issue is related to memory limits, try increasing the memory allocated to PHP. You can do this by adding the following line to your wp-config.php file:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M');

This increases the memory limit to 128MB, which is usually sufficient for most websites. If your site still shows a white screen, you may need to increase the limit further or optimize your website to use less memory.

4. Check Database Connection

To rule out database connection issues, verify that your database credentials in the wp-config.php file are correct. If you suspect a corrupted database, you can repair it using the following SQL command:

5. Verify File Permissions

Ensure that your file permissions are set correctly. Typically, directories should have permissions set to 755, and files should be set to 644. You can use an FTP client to check and modify these permissions if necessary.

How to Resolve the White Screen Issue

Once you’ve diagnosed the cause of the white screen issue, follow these steps to resolve it:

1. Fix PHP Errors

If you’ve identified a PHP error, correct the syntax or function calls in your code. This will resolve the white screen issue. You can also check the server’s error logs for more detailed information about the error.

2. Resolve Plugin and Theme Conflicts

For plugin or theme conflicts, deactivate the conflicting plugin or switch to a different theme. If you still need the functionality provided by the plugin or theme, consider contacting the developer for a fix or look for alternative solutions.

3. Increase Memory Allocation

If increasing the memory limit resolved the issue, keep the new limit in place. However, it’s also a good idea to optimize your website by reducing the number of plugins, compressing images, and using a caching solution to minimize memory usage.

4. Repair Database Issues

For database issues, repairing the database should fix the problem. If you continue to experience issues, consider optimizing your database or moving to a more robust hosting solution that can handle your website’s demands.

5. Correct File Permissions

If file permissions were the issue, correcting them will resolve the white screen. Make sure that all files and directories have the appropriate permissions to prevent this issue from recurring.

Preventing the White Screen Issue

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some best practices to prevent the white screen issue from happening again:

1. Regularly Update Your Website

Ensure that your CMS, plugins, and themes are always up to date. Developers often release updates to fix bugs, security issues, and compatibility problems that could lead to a white screen.

2. Use a Staging Environment

Before making any major changes to your website, use a staging environment to test them. This allows you to identify potential issues without affecting your live site.

3. Optimize Your Website

Regularly optimize your website to ensure it runs efficiently. This includes optimizing your database, compressing images, and minimizing the number of plugins you use.

4. Regular Backups

Always keep regular backups of your website. In case something goes wrong, you can quickly restore your site to a previous state without losing data.

5. Monitor Server Performance

Keep an eye on your server’s performance and resource usage. If your website is outgrowing your current hosting plan, consider upgrading to a plan that offers more resources.


The white screen of death is a common yet frustrating issue that can stem from various causes, including PHP errors, plugin conflicts, memory limits, database issues, and file permissions. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can diagnose and resolve the white screen issue effectively. Moreover, by implementing the preventive measures we’ve discussed, you can minimize the chances of encountering this problem in the future



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